
Week 2 Lids

This week I only have 2 different lids for my collection. Of course, I ate more than 2 things in my dorm, but these are the only lids that are different from others: Generic brand applesauce and a plain water bottle cap. These are two pretty healthy foods, if you ask me! Maybe I'll turn out to be a healthier eater than i originally thought :)

Music I'm Listening To: http://sadsteve.com/preview.py?url=http://stereoscope.fm/melody/090307_RiloKiley_SilverLining.mp3&song=Silver%20Lining&artist=Rilo%20Kiley


I fight...

I am actually very satisfied with the way this came out. It's not very often that i'm content with my work, but I feel that this actually conveys the message that I want it to.

Music I'm Listening To: http://sadsteve.com/preview.py?url=http://debhornstra.com/15step.mp3&song=15%20Step&artist=Radiohead


I decided this week to change up my routine. Instead of finding the earrings now, I will keep every lid from everything that I eat or drink inside my dorm room. Like Jille said in class before, I could use things that I eat/drink outside of my room, but I would just feel like I'm cheating :). So far, I've collected three different lids: yogurt, soup, and milk. I think that this collection will display the unhealthy and cheap eating habits of an average college student... or maybe not. Looking at my collection at the end of the semester, I might just realize that i eat healthier than I first suspected. I guess we will see!

Music I'm listening to: http://sadsteve.com/preview.py?url=http://missionfreak.com/audio/sigsworth_familia.mp3&song=La%20Familia%20%28Guy%20Sigsworth%20Mix%29&artist=Mirah


6:00 AM

Reading through Jille's random websites at 6:00 AM, i was just thinking to myself, I would love to look at something that will wake me up right now. Her find "1000 journals project" did just that. Especially Journal 915 (http://www.1000journals.com/index.php?view=Journals%2FExpandedDetail&number=915&x=0&y=0). The business of this journal kept my eyes moving throughout the pages and the colors caught my attention so well. The time and creativity put in to that journal is inspiring. It reminded me of the routines article that she showed us last class. This kid obviously had some kind of routine that he went through every day; he posted the most random of things sometimes.

I also came across the "Very Small Objects" website. I was jealous when I flipped through the pictures. It would have been such a good idea for this routine/collecting project, to just find tiny tiny objects and take macro photos of them. I think I might just do that regardless. I love how much detail these objects have. To me, it's like proof that God doesn't miss a single beat when designing the world and everything in it.

I also really enjoyed http://www.maryellenmark.com/. Her classic photography just made me feel kind of warm. There's nothing too special about it in the effects that she uses/used, but her photographs are just classic and touching. I loved looking at the pictures of older celebrities in their younger days especially, for some reason. It made me feel so insignificant, but not in a bad way. Just like a little reminder that there are bigger things than me, and everybody is growing older with me. I don't know why it made me feel that way. It just did.

I also just decided a few minutes ago that I would post a link to music that I'm listening to at the time of the post; just to give you readers a taste of how I was feeling when this was written...

Music I was listening to while posting this: http://sadsteve.com/preview.py?url=http://www.antinomian.com/trans/knife/knife-heartbeats.mp3&song=Heartbeats&artist=The%20Knife



I watched clips from the documentary Helvetica today, and was astonished at the amount of dedication some people give to the typeface. To somebody who has never really thought about the significance before, a sentence typed in helvetica probably has no meaning, but to some typographers, it says a lot. It's amazing how many different examples of Helvetica there are in the world. On buildings, billboards, ads, magazines, and anything else you can imagine, it's everywhere. From what I saw of the movie, it looks really interesting and I would like to watch the whole thing all the way through some time. I'd love to understand how something so simple could be such a huge part of a person's life.

Here are some examples of helvetica that I found in my everyday life:

Earring collection

After last class, I tried to think of an object that I could collect that, as a college student, wouldn't waste my time or money, and I could use again. When I went home for the weekend and went to the only store I buy clothing at (Goodwill), I got it: Earrings. So I collected 10 different pairs of earrings all from Goodwill. Their function and place of discovery is what they all have in common.


Tyler School of Art og mig

My name is Emily Kristine Longenecker, and I am from Lancaster County, PA. I love God and art.

My Experience so far at Tyler School of Art has been wonderful. I was introduced to the new building this past January as a senior in high school, when my older sister showed me around and gave me a private tour. I immediately fell in love with the colorful walls and brand new studio space, and so far in the school year, I still haven’t been disappointed. Everybody I’ve been introduced to has had a very friendly disposition, and the skill set of almost every art student here is phenomenal. I’m extremely excited for next semester, when I’ll be taking more foundations classes as a BFA undergraduate.

6 Word Memoir

I fight with God every day.